
About She Conquers

Welcome to She Conquers.

She Conquers is a three-year national campaign that aims to improve the lives of adolescent girls and young women in South Africa.

At She Conquers we are uniting to work towards providing every adolescent girl and young woman in the country with access to the resources that they need to lead a happy, healthy and successful life.

We believe that every girl should have the power to decide their future. This means being educated, healthy, and safe from violence. When girls gain knowledge, they get the chance to become independent. And this gives them more ways to transform their communities and break the cycle of poverty.

Societies succeed when their women and girls succeed. Whoever you are and wherever you come from, let’s work together and empower girls to take charge of destiny to become the women they want to be.

What do we know?

Adolescent girls and young women are the future of South Africa, but they face many challenges:

  • High HIV infections – 1,975 young women are newly infected every week
  • Unwanted pregnancy – 70,000 babies are born each year to girls under 18
  • Sexual and gender-based violence – One-third of adolescent girls and young women experience abuse
  • High drop-out rate from school – 60% of the youth have no education qualification
  • Unemployment and poverty – Youth face high unemployment and lack opportunities for economic empowerment

What needs to be done?

Help adolescent girls and young women to

  • Gain the knowledge to avoid HIV and other STIs
  • Avoid unwanted pregnancy
  • Stay in school
  • Stand against sexual and gender based violence
  • Access educational and economic opportunities

How will She Conquers help adolescent girls and young women?

  • Increase access to services –health, educational, job and academic
  • Listen to young people – to learn what their needs are
  • Work together so goals can be reached
  • Ensure a core set of interventions is offered to all target populations
    and a set of interventions offered to specific groups